1st Graders have been working on a collage unit. Collage is art that is made with paper and glue. Students began the unit with two weeks of exploration. They learned they could change paper in a variety of ways with their hands (ripping, tearing, folding, etc.), as well as with scissors by cutting various shapes and edges (small, big, curvy, zig zag, etc.). They learned, through the consideration of placement (layering, overlapping, etc.), that they could glue these pieces down to a background piece of paper to create a picture.
After making their collage explorations, students read the book "I'm Looking for a Monster" by Timothy Young. They also looked at illustrations of monsters by Tim Burton, William Steig and Maurice Sendak to gain inspiration.
Illustration from "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak |
Illustration by Tim Burton from his exhibit at MoMA |
Illustration from "Shrek" by William Stieg |
This led to students imagining what their own monster would look like if they were to come across one. Students made a list together of personalities monsters might have (scary, silly, spooky, etc.), then sketched their idea.
Students began creating their monsters the next week by cutting large parts (body, legs, arms, head, etc.) out of colored construction paper. The following class, students used worksheets to help them identify large parts they had made, as well as ones they still needed to make. They repeated this process for making small parts (hair, nose, mouth, ears, tail, etc.). After big and small parts had been made with plain colored construction paper, students were introduced to texture (the way something feels or looks like it might feel) and added details (teeth, scales, spikes, etc.) to their monsters with the textured paper.
1-105 |
1-105 |
1-105 |
After their monster was finished, students cut their monster out and glued it to a black piece of paper. Students then considered their monster's habitat (or where the monster lives) and added this habitat with oil pastels. The final week, students shared their monsters and discussed the process by which they had made them. They then created information cards about their monster (with the monster's name, habitat, and favorite thing to do). Please enjoy First Grade's MONSTERS!
Creator: Angela, Class 1-105
Monster: "Callie"
Habitat: The Forest
Favorite Thing To Do: Dress Up |
Creator: Joshua, Class 1-105 |
Creator: Lizmary, Class 1-105
Monster: "Cofe"
Habitat: Moon
Favorite Thing To Do: Be Funny |
Creator: Yamilka, Class 1-105
Monster: "Jessy"
Habitat: A Garden
Favorite Thing To Do: Dress Up |
Creator: Jaydiluz Class 1-105
Monster: "Chloe"
Habitat: The Moon
Favorite Thing To Do: Dress Up |
Creator: Yu Wei Class 1-105
Monster: "Robot"
Habitat: North Pole
Favorite Thing To Do: Fight |
Creator: Jamyang, Class 1-105
Monster: "Ice"
Habitat: The Street
Favorite Thing To Do: Fight |
Creator: Calandra, Class 1-105
Monster: "Joktbpciksamnz"
Habitat: North Pole
Favorite Thing To Do: Play |
Creator: Illiany, Class 1-105
Monster: "Gabriella"
Habitat: North Pole
Favorite Thing To Do: Play Dress Up |