Kindergarteners just finished a unit in which they created a portrait of themselves doing a favorite activity. They created the portraits using assemblage and collage materials.
Students began by discussing the main parts of our bodies. We then made a list on the Smart Board of their favorite activities (e.g., swimming, dancing, running, jumping ,etc.) and students acted out them out to consider how their bodies looked when they did the activity. Next, students chose pieces of pre-cut cardboard shapes and assembled the shapes together to re-present the way their body looks when doing their favorite activity.
Kindergarteners assembling shapes to create a self-portrait |
After students had created the base of their "person", they collaged colored and construction paper on top of the cardboard parts to create clothes and a face for their portrait.
K-B02 adding faces |
K-B02 working |
K-B02 working |
K-B01 working on "clothes" and "faces" |
Irene from K-B07 working |
The following week, I introduced students to the element of textures (e.g., smooth, hairy, bumpy, etc.) and had a discussion with students about all of the places on our bodies that have texture. I set up a texture "buffet" at the front of the classroom and let students choose 3 pieces of textured material to add to their person.
Students selecting items from the texture buffet |
Students spent the final week adding details to their self-portrait. The Kindergarten students worked very hard on this project and the results are truly amazing! Enjoy!!
Michael, K-B07
"My favorite activity is walking" |
Kaylee, K-B07
"My favorite activity is running" |
Annie, K-B01
"My favorite activity is dancing" |
Adriannys, K-B07
"My favorite activity is swimming" |
Hannah, K-B07
"My favorite activity is to run" |
Irene, K-B07
"My favorite activity is to jump!" |
Jerry, K-B07
"My favorite activity is to run" |
Samuel, K-B01
"My favorite activity is swimming" |
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